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Diary of Dreams - HomeSicknetti on air 2024 390x280
The Brides of the Black Room - One Flash of Light
THYMIAN - A Reflection (Melroy Remix)
Vioflesh - Feel Fake
Scheuber - Lotus (This Eternal Decay Remix)
Crying Vessel - Until Dawn
The Rope- Where the Bones Lie
Dance My Darling - Smells like Fabulous
GHOST COP - Day for Night
Dunkelsucht - The Silence You've Been Longing For (FrozenPlasma Remix)
Katja von Kassel - Radio Symphony (Radio Version)
CHRIS SHAPE & Su Eko - Bounce
FrontAngel - Devil in my Soul
Digital Drvgs - Lagrimas
SYSTEM NOIRE feat. Ruined Conflict - New Life
Faderhead - Goth Rave
AGONOIZE - The Holy Flame
net.fraleet - RØTT1F13R
Kaos Karma - Save Me
NORMORIA feat. MATT HART - Paralyzed
Lu Cypher feat. Dark Vanilla - Scary Days for Virgins
Solar Fake - Disagree
Red Cell - When Death is Done
Sine Division - Solitary Observer (ColdVigor Remix)
Mental Discipline - Kill Emotions
Destroy Me Again - Dopamin (Funker Vogt Remix)
Infernosounds - Ferne Planeten (Blinky Blinky Computerband Remix)
Violence against Man - Ich Vertraue
Translucent Mind - Devils Night (Club Mix)
Escape with Romeo - My Robot Life
Night in Athens - I Search For A Sign
SJÖBLOM - Tomorrow - No Place to Hide
NLiGHT - There's but one God
Dancing Strangers - Death on you
Patrik Adolfsson - Train Wreck
Subway To Sally - Post Mortem
Kissin' Dynamite - No one dies a Virgin
CARMERIA - The Hoping Heart
Powerwolf feat. Michelle Darkness - Glaubenskraft
Xmal Deutschland - Die Wolken (Remix by NO MORE)
Distant Stares - Fragile Enough (for Love)
Tymbro - You are so cool
Atmostatic - Love Like Blood

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